
International Student Affairs

“At a good college, students discover that all parts of college life are measured by high standards, and the educated people are guided in their behavior by civility and decency.”
– Ernest Boyer.

It is the mission of the student Affairs Office at Lincoln University College to be a constitutive element in the student?s ongoing formation of the maturing, gentleman/ gentlewomen and to support the student?s appropriation of and growth in living the rich wisdom tradition of right knowledge and belief employed in the pursuit of right living.

Core Values
1. Engender a deep respect for each individual person. Students will be encouraged to respect the person, property, good name, and privacy of all members of the College community and the college itself.
2. Students will be instructed about the false notions of freedom prevalent in our culture and encourage to avoid the many forms of addition so popular today.
3. Encourage loving relationship with others. Students will be taught to reject the extreme individualism of our culture and to embrace the proper values of community and relationally.

--We Ensures Your Success--